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4:36 p.m. - 2006-08-02
mel gibson and financial planning, no connection

He is an ass, and I truly believe that you say things that you really mean when you are drunk because you have no ability to stop things from coming out of your mouth.

You are either on his side or against him, do we need 24 news coverage about it????


We had a friend come over to our house who is doing the Primerica financial planning stuff. It seems like an awesome idea, find places in your monthly spending where you can consolidate things, save money, and put more $ aside to actually save for retirement. What a concept.

We almost did this with American Express a few years ago, but they wanted something like $500 to do it. If we had $500, would we need the plan?

This plan costs nothing, but you need to refer people (I am already compiling a list of CT friends) and of course, I�m sure when they consolidate life insurance plans or debt payment plans, you are using their company (which is part of Citigroup, so it�s no small fry!)

Anyway, I think it will be a great idea for us.

Now, I still think we need to do the pull-down attic stairs, finish the basement room (so we can do the baby�s room) and get a new car this fall (when they are cheaper) because we need a 4-door 4WD � baby is due in February and even if we take the Kia back from Lois� nephew, it�s only 2 door, how much would that suck getting the kid in and out of the car?. And Fall is a good time to buy because this year�s models are cheaper, plus we should trade in the Passat and if we wait �til next year, it will be worth almost nothing (it�s got 120k miles on it).

I made the mistake of mentioning the above brilliant planned expenses to Lois the same night of our meeting with the Primerica people. She told me I was crazy and was like �for the thousandth time, we are not getting a car.� (I wasn�t thinking Lexus, I was thinking Kia Sportage or Toyota Matrix)


I didn�t realize how silly and unreasonable I was being.




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